"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Eric & I went to the Kanzeon Zen Center for "church" this morning. I've been wanting to go to a Sunday Service for a long time, but just really felt the need this morning. IT WAS AMAZING!

It's a little house on South Temple downtown that has been converted into a modern zen center. There were probably 50 people there, barefoot and sitting on mats and pillows. The class opened with 30 minutes of quiet meditation, followed by an hour of discussion by Genpo Roshi Abbott.

He discussed with us the concept of the Triangle - the dichotomy between the "Dual Self" and the "Non-Dual Self." The left line of the Triangle is comprised of the The "Dual Self" which is the left-brain side of you that is forced to think in linear terms of past/future, right/wrong, good/bad, better/worse. This side of the brain cannot help by focus entirely on our person, and give little concern for others. It is reason and logic. This is also the side that holds anger, resentment, unhappiness, immaturity.

The other side of the Triangle is made of the The "Non-Dual Self" which is the right-side of your brain. This side is the subjective, emotional, non-judgemental, universal, accepting, healthy, and globally minded side, which focuses on the "Highest & Best" choices, and the present moment. This side is mature, peaceful, conscious, and calm.

At the apex of the Triangle, there is a union of self-mindedness which encompasses the Dual and Non-Dual Self. This point is the fame of mind which enables oneto logically assess and gauge each life situation using the "Dual/left-brain" side, then consciously choose to react in a way that is conducive to Non-Dual living , focusing on the Highest/Best/Healthy/Happy outcome. In this way, we learn to un-attach ourselves from destructive/selfish/single-minded behaviors. Once we learn to only "attach" to healthy/happy/whole things, it is easy to "lose" those things/people/behaviors which bring us pain, but that we feel forced to associate with. For example, regret, loss of life, anger, addiction, blame, resentment, unhealthy people.
The concept to too big to describe in one page. I'd suggest everyone in the world take this class.
Eric & I walked out of there feeling so totally great. So inspired by the flood of good energy, and a community of healthy like-minded, positive people. The course is free, and is taught every Sunday at 1274 East South Temple at 10:00-11:30. We are going to go again next week. If you want to come, let me know.

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"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich