"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Green River Riding Trip

Chris and Jon (Local Hero) joined up with some other guys to hit trails in the Green River area this weekend. He goes for a Boys Ride every fall and ride Dead Cow Loop, 5 Miles of Hell, Lenny's Butterfly Trail, and other notorious trails in that area.

Chris was the Ride Director this year, rallying forces on his own for the first time. From his reports every evening, sounds like the trip was a success!

Apparently he had one crash that he says re-broke his pinkie finger (again?!!) but no other tragedies. I missed him and am glad he's on his way back home this evening. Maybe one of these upcoming years I'll have the skills to be able to go on one of the trips-- but from the looks of these pictures, I'm a couple years out yet! Holy crap, look at the height of those giant steps?!!!

I've never been on the "5 Miles of Hell" trail, but I don't think I want to go....


Christina said...

I don't understand how people can love this! You are CRAZY! :) I am too chicken to even want to WALK these, let alone be on a unstable bike! (I guess I would be the one making it "unstable"!!) You have always been quite the dare devil. I'm sure you'll be on these "trails" soon!

Christina said...

BTW, you've been tagged! Check out my blog under "Crazy 8's" to see what you need to do.

Ask Buddha - like the Magic 8 Ball!

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich