"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

NIN: Lights in the Sky Concert

Chris and Local Hero (John), a friend from MotoUtah, went to the Nine Inch Nails concert tonight at the E Center! Chris was going for Cliff's, Chris' best friends', birthday- I think Cliff turned 36 this year. I haven't received the report yet since it's only 11:30pm, but I'm sure the concert was awesome. Shelly, Cliff's wife, rented a suite, and planned for a handful of people to be there, how cool is that? There are a bunch of cool You Tube videos of live NIN performances that are impressive, like this one:


I had to work late at the model home tonight, which paid off because I think I'll get a sale out of it, we'll see. Hate to miss the party, and it's weird not being with Chris for these kind of events...

Hopefully he makes it back home in one piece and everyone had fun!!!
Happy Birthday Cliff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'll bet that was a crazy concert, it sucks that you couldn’t go! Every once in a while I’ll hear NIN on the radio and it floods my brain with high school memories when I owned about 30 CD’s that consisted pretty much of NIN and Tori Amos. There might have been a Pearl Jam or PHISH album in there too . . . ANYWAY I expect a full report. See you Monday =)

Ask Buddha - like the Magic 8 Ball!

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich